Monday, 25 August 2008

August 25th

No photos today. Once again I'm back at work. So the camera has been hung up once again. Maybe a year from now I'll step back on to the High Street for August, but that's one year away.

To everyone who passes through thanks. To all my performer friends thanks once again to step into your world if only for a short time. To all the members of casts and crews I've photographed thanks too.

There are a lot of things happening on the mile so I'll never photograph everything. But I do choose from everything I've shot only to publish here groups that respect and acknowledge that street theatre deserves as much respect as any theatre venue. Respect street theatre you'll get my respect. You need street theatre on the High street more than you know.

Once you've finished here it's time to move on to part 3

Edinburgh Fringe 2008 part 3

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